You Need Me and I Need You says Apostle Pride Sibiya

You need me and I need you. Munhu munhu nekuda kwevanhu (A person gains value because of other people) The breakthrough of your life no longer resides directly with God. He has since ceded that responsibility to fellow mankind! 

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” – Luke 6:38.

As you can see from the scripture; it is fellow men who will pour into your bosom. It is God’s idea to use your fellow human beings to prosper you! Therefore, it is in the best interest that you value your fellow cadres in life.
You Need Me and I Need You says Apostle Pride Sibiya
Unfortunately, the majority of us we are failing to get our jobs, money, weddings and other breakthroughs in life because we love God so much but forget our neighbours. We are so much heavenly focused, but neglecting to build strong relationships here on earth. It is common to hear someone shout; “I don’t need people in my life. I am okay with God on my side!”

But is that really true? Is that how God made it?
God has already deposited your blessings inside fellow. You may fast and pray powerfully but until you learn to value other human beings, it might all just be in vain. Don't try to make yourself an island; relate to people. Even if God has blessed you with a posh car, if you are involved in an accident you still require the assistance of someone else possibly riding a bicycle, to take you to the hospital. Even if you have the latest iPhone in your pocket, you may require the assistance of someone, probably one using an old Nokia 3310, to call the ambulance to take you to the hospital.

Ultimately, if you die today, all your paperwork and processions will be handled by other people, even if you were so rich in life.

Let us all be reminded to value God first, and value our fellow human beings in life. God uses the same people when he wants to bless us! YOU NEED ME; I NEED YOU.

Written By Tapiwa Zuze: Check our website for more great and powerful life changing insights.

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke Online Online
Tiyambuke Annual Christian Convetion Hosted By Apostle Pride Sibiya Of Glory Ministries Is An Annual Event That Draws Thousands Of People - Tiyambuke. Tiyambuke Online
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