Tiyambuke Notes: Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Speaks On Give Me This Mountain!

Title: God Give Me This Mountain!

Scripture:  Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the Lord spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the Lord will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the Lord said. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an inheritance. Joshua 14:12-15 King James Version (KJV)

If you fail to understand the time you will fail to possess your mountain. Before you run around the country looking for mountains you need to understand a few things; as we read the story of Caleb requesting his mountain from Joshua you need to go back where they started before you move forward into the present.

You need to understand what it takes to get an inheritance. Before Caleb could talk about claiming the mountain he had to refer back to the word that the servant of God spoke over his life. You have to have a word from God concerning the mountain that you should possess before you run around claiming it.

Caleb had to first go and spy the land to see the mountain that could fit the word that came from a servant of God. He did not just run the country saying where is my mountain he had to take time to spy according to the promise of God. You have to go around looking for the mountain that fit the word of God over your life.
Tiyambuke Notes: Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo speaks On Give You Me This Mountain!

This is the story is coming from Egypt where the children of Israel were in bondage and had to cry to God for deliverance so before the mountain was there, there was a cry in the land of Israel. The mountain is going to be possessed by those who make a cry to God. You have to earnestly pray and desire your particular mountain before the Lord. It is not going to be possessed by those who merely came to the conference but those that made a cry and said to God that they are tired of being in bondage. Mountains are not going to be possessed by those who sit down and relax but those who cry and whirl before God.

When you go back to scripture you will discover that you cannot run around and say you are acquiring mountains before you understanding what made Caleb to claim the mountain. You cannot get the mountain if you don’t know how to get it and what it needs to take it. When Caleb came back the bible says that the word of what Caleb had seen and spied settled in his heart. You may say whatever you want about this land but my heart is settled and I am convinced that this is what the Lord has given us this land, which was the conviction that was upon Caleb. If your heart is not settled about the mountain that you want to possess forget about getting it. If your heart is not sinking with the promise of God over your life the laying on of hands will not work. We have brethren who have a negative mind about what you want to acquire so when people speak ill about what you want to acquire you need to ignore and continue believing the word that God spoke over your life. There are certain people even in a church that you need to get rid of.

Possession of mountains is not about resources, having everything but understanding what God has said about your life. Where there is a vision there is always provision. If you are really called of God the call will attract the provision. Never look down on the mountain that God has destined you to acquire. Whether it is small if there is a word God will sustain you. The problem we have is that some create their own mountains which are not in the will of God. We always have people who dream big and never wants to start small. We aim too high yet sometimes God wants you to start small and establish you as you go. It is not easy to go big you have to move stage by stage. 

It is possible that you may be given a small church to lead that does not look productive, do not be worried what you need to get hold of is has God spoken a word over your ministry through his servant. Our biggest problem is that what we call a mountain may not be what God has given us. Maybe your mountain is in a small church that God is going to grow into a cathedral or maybe your mountain is in that poor guy God has placed to marry you which will grow into a very prosperous man. 

Do not run to acquire big things when you have not learnt how to grow big. It is one thing to get the mountain and another to know how to get the mountain.

For you to possess your mountain you have to wholly commit your heart to follow God.

There is a process before the mountain and you have to be committed enough to follow the process. A mountain will not come if you do not have a deep desire and for every mountain, God will keep you alive. When you know your mountain you must also know that the one who promised to give you is faithful according to Thessalonians to give you what he promised.

When you start to go for your mountain you have to make sure that you have a specific mountain that God has spoken. Do not just go for what other people are going for because we are called to fulfil different purposes. You also have to take time to learn and understand the mountain that God has called you to possess. And when you finally begin to move even the economic situations will not derail you.

As much as we are supposed to possess the mountain you have to be fully prepared and stable knowing that our God will see you through till you possess your mountain. 

Knowing fully well that when the righteous possess mountains the nation will prosper!
Tiyambuke Notes: Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo speaks On Give You Me This Mountain!

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo is the Founder, President and the Presiding Bishop of Ablaze International Ministries Inc.

Ablaze Churches International, Holy Ghost School of Ministry Bible College (HGSM), Iron Sharpens Iron Pastors and Leaders Conferences (iSi), which hosts annual Young Ministers Conferences, Senior Pastors Breakfast, Pastors Kids Dinner.
He is the voice behind WORD MOMENTS, his Preaching and Teaching program which is designed for expounding the WORD of God through all social media platforms and live conferences.

Gallery Of Pictures - Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke 2019:

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke
Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke
Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke
Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke
Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke
Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo Ministers At Tiyambuke

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

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Tiyambuke Annual Christian Convetion Hosted By Apostle Pride Sibiya Of Glory Ministries Is An Annual Event That Draws Thousands Of People - Tiyambuke. Tiyambuke Online
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