Ambassadors are diplomats of the highest rank, with full authority to represent their presidents and governments on foreign territories.
In Glory Ministries we have one such; Overseer (Apostle) Shiloh Masenyama; an ambassador extraordinaire to the founder, president and presiding bishop of Glory Ministries.
As Glory Ministries ( celebrates its 18th Anniversary in 2019; the legal age of majority in Zimbabwe; it is of vital importance that we take some time to reflect, acknowledge and recognise the service of the first member of Glory Ministries; Apostle Shiloh Masenyama.
Born “Tiriwenhamo Chanetsa”; Apostle Masenyama had his name changed to “Shiloh” by his spiritual father; Bishop Apostle P. Sibiya some years ago.
“After learning that names are not just names, but they are prophetic in their meanings; and they come loaded with certain spirits that can define one’s life; I had to change Overseer Masenyama’s name from Tiriwenhamo Chanetsa to Shiloh”, recalled Bishop Sibiya in 2018; after Dr. Prophet Blessing Chiza had taught at Tiyambuke International Christian Convention ( on a subject called “The Power Of A Name”. Dr. Chiza also took the opportunity to launch his book on the same subject that day.
Bishop Sibiya has spoken glowingly about his most senior son in ministry! There are countless earlier incidences that he regularly shares with us for the church membership to appreciate where God has taken Glory Ministries from. And in most of those key incidences, Apostle Masenyama’s name always comes in.
There are many life lessons that I personally deduce from his life of service and sacrifice. In this article I will endeavour to summarise them into three; as I take a closer look at the life of this Ambassador Extraordinaire.
1. The Abrahamic Faith: Bishop (Apostle) Pride Sibiya started Glory Ministries in February 2001, and he attended the very first service alone. The then Tiriwenhamo Chanetsa joined him in the next service to become the very first member of Glory Ministries. By then, Bishop Sibiya was just an ordinary young man of 22 years of age.
I shared with him the vision that God had given me about starting Glory Ministries, and he said he will follow me. There was nothing more to that”, recalls Bishop Sibiya. In this world where people get convinced with results of tangible things; how did Apostle Masenyama get convinced to follow a young man like him who did not have any bishopric accomplishments at that time?
How did he get convinced that “though their beginning was small, their latter end shall greatly increase?” – Job 8:7.
To me, this is symbolic of the Abrahamic Faith inherent in Apostle Masenyama. When Abraham was called by God to “get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house; to a land that I will show you” – Genesis 12:1; God did not have a preceding history of having done the same with someone else before. There was no history of God having moved someone from their comfort zone, protecting him along the way and raising him to become a great nation! There was no such recorded history. But still, Abraham believed God and the rest is history.
In that same spirit, I place Apostle Masenyama in that same category, in principle; despite the differences in nature and circumstances. Just like Abraham, he believed the word only. And 18 years later; the church has grown exponentially to over 100 assemblies in Southern Africa and beyond. Apostle Masenyama should be one satisfied man that indeed he be believed God’s word through his servant; Bishop Sibiya.
He is one person who can testify that indeed “God is not a man, that he should lie; nor a son of man that he should change his mind” – Numbers 23:19(a). Whatever he says will surely come to pass!
2. The Submission of Elisha: I see so much submission of the highest order in the life of Apostle Masenyama. He is one man who has risen through the ranks within the ministry, not riding on the pretext of being the first member of the church; but by genuine sonship, service and sacrifice to the man of God. Rising through the ranks to become the International Overseer of Glory Ministries; the second-in-command post after the Bishop; and chairing the International Church Council, is by no means a small achievement.
His father, Bishop Sibiya; has grown with so much confidence and comfort in his son such that for the last few years Apostle Masenyama flies into Harare from Durban (where he is based on ministry work) as one of the main speakers of the Tiyambuke International Christian Convention. And given that Tiyambuke is a platform reserved ministry legends to minister; the majority who are higher in spiritual rank than Bishop Sibiya; that is not a small feat to accord that opportunity to his first son, to minister and rub shoulders with such iconic legends.
Ministering on an international platform that has been graced by senior legends such as Archbishop Asa Gurupira, Bishop Abel Sande, Apostle Alexander Chisango, Bishop Ngwiza Mnkandla, Evangelist Paul Saungweme, Apostle Noah Parwaringira and Apostle Alfred Jaka is not a joke!
Every time Apostle Masenyama stands up to minister; he always recognises the presence of his spiritual father. Just like Elisha, he will always cry “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” – 2 Kings 2:12.
3. The Humility of John the Baptist: Despite all his accomplishments in ministry and serving the servant of God; Apostle Masenyama remains one of the most grounded and down-to-earth people that I have ever met in my life. When I joined the ministry in April 2013, Pastor Winnie Gwatidzo took a lot of time explaining to me about the grounded history of Glory Ministries. One day, she showed me to Apostle Masenyama when he had come to our assembly on assignment.
I couldn’t believe it! How could such an amazing man with such an impeccable record of service come to greet me and my family! Instead, I should have been the one to book an appointment to see him, if ever I would get one. It didn’t make any sense to me.
While a lot of other people of service quickly get carried away by success and achievements, it’s not the same with Apostle Masenyama. He remains one loyal son, calling upon everyone to come in our numbers to support the servant of God. He makes himself just one of us. And just like John the Baptist, he always points to his earthly father and leader whom God has chosen to use in our generation.
“He must increase, but I must decrease” – John 3:30. John the Baptist never boasted about his earthly accolades. When Jesus was being ushered into his ministry, John had already accomplished a lot. But he knew exactly where honour and respect were supposed to be accorded, and he did so. He had to decrease so that Jesus can increase!
We love you so much Overseer Apostle Shiloh Masenyama; together with mama; Apostle Christabel Masenyama; and family.
Hail the Ambassador Extraordinaire of Bishop Apostle P. Sibiya; and Glory Ministries!
Written By Tapiwa Zuze
The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.
With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.
The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.