Give Me My Mountains - The Seven (7) Spheres Of Influence

These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. 

God has spoken to Apostle Pride Sibiya of Glory Ministries to raise change agents. In essence, God has told the servant of God that these seven mountains are where we need to send the change agents because this is where the battlefield is.
Give Me My Mountains - The Seven (7) Spheres Of Influence
It is here where culture can be won or lost. This is the reason why the assignment for Tiyambuke 2019 is to raise up change agents to scale the mountains and to help a new generation of change agents understand the larger story.

What Are The Seven Mountains?

The seven mountains are seven sectors or spheres in our society that mold the way we think, that is our culture is shaped by these spheres or mountains. Society is changed and transformed through all seven mountains. These are

1. Economy, 
2. Government, 
3. Family, 
4. Spirituality, 
5. Education, 
6. Media,
7. Arts and Entertainment.

There is a strategy for transforming society; it is through the marketplace and workplace, in each of these mountains. These influences actually mould the minds and activate the dreams of man ... “Those people who occupy these higher places have the influence” It should be a PASSION of most to enter this arena using the leadership gifts and talent given each of us.
Give Me My Mountains - The Seven (7) Spheres Of Influence
Today there is a great awakening as people are becoming aware that there is a mighty move of passion in the workplace.

Men and women are becoming aware that their work is their assignment. By awakening, to this concept, we can learn to define roles and gain strategies to move influence across the globe.

This will result in people charting their own course with ultimate successes. 

Those who chose to attend Tiyambuke 2019 chose to become part of a group of people who BELIVE in that they are the Change Agents that God has set apart to influence culture.Give Me My Mountains - The Seven (7) Spheres Of Influence
This year, the conference has a special bias of grooming and building people to become generals in life who can in-tern participate in building God's Mega Church.

This is in line with Glory Ministries' 5 year season - The Season Of Building and the 2019 theme - Give Me This Mountain!

Mark Your Calendars For TICC 2019 with Apostle P. Sibiya:

Date: Monday 25th - Saturday 31 August 2019
Theme: Give Me This Mountain
Venue: Bethel Worship Centre (Glory Ministries), Stand 19261, Zengeza 5 Extension, Chitungwiza

Also, get in touch with the Tiyambuke International Christian Convention Chairperson Pastor A. Musakwa on +263 77 288 2879.

With this year's edition of Tiyambuke International Christian Convention just around the corner!


The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke Online Online
Tiyambuke Annual Christian Convetion Hosted By Apostle Pride Sibiya Of Glory Ministries Is An Annual Event That Draws Thousands Of People - Tiyambuke. Tiyambuke Online
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